Friday, November 14, 2008


Wednesday night, I went to the Joshua Tree to meet up with the Young Team. As usual, they were running late, so I was chilling with a drink, watching that sick Celtics win (Paul Peirce insane). Anyway, since the bar is a big rectangle I had to look at a far away TV above the heads of some couple across the bar. I’ve been watching a lot of Squidbillies and this clip kept running through my head, and I was LOLing by myself like an asshole, and the dude from the couple was shooting me dirty looks because I think he thought I was laughing at his douchey beard and wondering how he pulled a decent chick, which really means he wonders how he got her and is constantly insecure. I should just wear an “I Love Tanya” shirt with her picture and our blog address, so people know I’m taken, and I’d be getting the word out about this stupid site. Anyway, thanks for the laughs Squidbillies. I’m glad I didn’t get my delicate ass kicked.

The clip in question, demonstrative of my puerile sensibilities:

Tanya and I ate at Frank’s last night, for the second time this week, getting ready for our future roles as early-bird-special-eating oldass regulars (practically already there). We bought some wine and had a pretty solid YouTube session.

We stumbled across this. I’d never seen it before, but given the number of views it’s made the rounds and gone to bed. Still, if I ain’t seen it it’s new to me, like most of the things I post here.

We’re really into these two literal music videos, too.

Brendan Donnelly’s clothing web site went live. Amazing and solid. $35 bucks ain’t bad for these gems. Too bad, I’m a poorass. Remember me for Christmas, people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just saw those music vidzzz and obvi loves them. maybe you sent them to me. hmmm