In May, I got Tanya the Morrissey book (remaindered at the Barnes & Noble near where I work) and she got me a book about folding dollar bills into airplanes (and the USS Enterprise). The airplane book is at my apartment.
We were both a little late in the getting in June, which is obviously kind of retarded since they’re only $10 gifts, so we decided to hold off until July and present each other with gifts in the $10-$20 range. I got Tanya the Wizard Finger Puppet (shipping pushed it over $10) and she made me the Cod Pharmacy thing (supplies put it up around $20). She also ordered me a little green monster from Etsy and threw it in as a bonus. It’s on my desk at work.
In August, I got her the black cat candle from some store in Allston, and she got me the key-shaped bottle opener.
Today I presented her with the two wine glasses I got from Pier One on my way over, because my other idea didn’t work out. We’ve broken a lot of wine glasses, so it’s still an okay gift. She gave me the fish bookmark, made out of fish skin.
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